Tetap Optimis dan Terus Semangdh ^_^)/'

Yesterday is History, tomorrow is mistery, and today is present day. Present dapat diartikan sebagai hadiah.. jadi, manfaatkanlah hadiah dari Allah SWT dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Senin, 29 Juni 2009

English Assignment (Last meeting)

Erfin Dwisita (07410022)

“ My Opinion On Good Practice Of Teaching Learning Mathematics”

In my opinion, the good mathematics teaching learning was when the teacher could create the student's situation that wanted to study. With the motivation, the directive, and the teacher's guidance, the student that beforehand lazy at learning to be able to change to the student who was active in studied. The process studied in teaching learning was the interaction (contained gave each other and received) or reciprocal between the student and the teacher and unsure the fellow student in the process teaching learning. In the studying interaction taught by being marked by an element that is: a) the aim that will be achieved, b) the student, the teacher, and the source studied other, c) the teaching material, d) the method that was used to create the studying situation taught.

teaching learning that was good must be able to condition the student in the active situation constructed personally knowledge. On teaching learning process the teacher have the task revealed what was owned by the student and with his reasoning could ask exactly at the appropriate time so as the student could develop his knowledge through beginning knowledge that was owned by this student. High-quality teaching learning mathematics will happen if the process studied taught that was had by the effective teacher. The effectiveness of the studying process taught must was inspected the effectiveness of the component that was influential in PBM (the teaching learning Process). Structure this teaching contained:

1. The Preliminary

2. The development

3. The application

4. The Conclusion

Some teaching learning that was good must have the activity teaching learning procedure. Along with the activity teaching learning stages:


1. Created the condition for teaching learning.

2. Carried out the appreciation or the assessment of the beginning capacity of the student.


1. The teacher communicate the aim/topic of lesson to the student.

2. The teacher presented the teaching material with his ivory talk various answered about the concept of the subject of material that will be studied.


1. The teacher grouped the student and gave the explanation to the student about the studying stage/discussions.

2. students formulated, identified, analyzed the problem as well as carried out discussions in his group to get the solution to the problem.

3. Results of discussions were to the small group presented to all the group and were discussed by him in the class with the guidance from the teacher.

4. Concluded results of discussions were based on the formulation of the problem.


Affirmation and giving of the task individually good through the module.

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